Friday, March 21, 2014

Aligned with my Life Purpose

In 5th century BC, the famous Chinese scholar Confucius had said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” These wise words ring true even in the 21st century and perhaps always will; but how to know which job you would love? 

Before you go about finding that out, you need to understand that our heart always wants to fulfill the purpose of our life; and our life always provides us with enough resources in the form of talents, skills, interests, and time, to fulfill that purpose. 

You only have to ‘connect’ with that purpose; the rest will simply follow.

In order to find your unique life-purpose, ask yourself a few questions, one by one, “What am I good at? What special skills do I have? What talents have I brought with me into this world? What do I enjoy doing? What do I do well? What do I like to read about? Which processes am I most interested in? During which activities do I express enthusiasm and wonder? In which situations do I remain most joyful? In which situations am I least self-conscious? Which activities get me excited and bring me joy? What drives me? What do I secretly dream about? What do I desire so much that I am willing to do whatever it takes to get it? What one thing do I want to do that would fill the empty parts of my heart and soul? What projects stir my compassion and excite my imagination?”

Pause after each question, introspect and honestly write down the answers that come to your mind. See the emerging pattern. Pay attention to oft-repeated words in your answers. These are the clues that will lead you to an alignment with your heart/soul-purpose.

Once you are clear about 'where to go', you will be led by hand through various synchronicities which will follow as surely as day follows the night.

When you take the first step of clearly defining your soul purpose, the Universe takes as many steps as needed for its fulfillment. 

This is exactly what happened in my life....and continues to happen...:)

What am I good at? I am good at communication, especially written communication. I am also good at simplifying concepts. I am good at man/ material/ system/ time management. I am good at interpersonal relationships. I am good at honoring my commitments.

What special skills do I have? I have a gift of gab. I can speak well. I can connect with people. I can offer compassion and empathy. I can help people introspect. I can sing. I can cook. I can manage people/ things/ schedules. I have healing hands. I can channelize energy for healing. I can teach complicated concepts in a simple manner.

What talents have I brought with me into this world? I am full of life and enthusiasm. I have always excelled at whatever I have undertaken. I have the capacity to give my 200% to whatever I take upon me. I can sing, dance, act, cook, speak, write, co-ordinate, and manage well.

What do I enjoy doing? I enjoy cooking, singing, dancing, reading, writing, sharing concepts, leading workshops, empowering myself and others, introspecting, and encouraging introspection.

What do I do well? I am good at singing, dancing, writing, acting, anchoring shows, leading introspective workshops, and helping others heal themselves.

What do I like to read about? I like to read about self-empowerment, cosmic design, benevolent divine plan, ascension and other esoteric stuff based in scientific principles.

Which processes am I most interested in? The process of self-empowerment interests me the most.

During which activities do I express enthusiasm and wonder? When I buy and arrange fresh flowers at home. When I am in my kitchen garden, deciding what to harvest, cook and eat. When I am walking around in my flower-filled garden. When I am basking in the Sun. When I am in natural surroundings. When I see something beautiful. When I am swimming, cycling, singing, dancing, cooking, leading workshops, writing, reading, and interacting with like-minded friends.

In which situations I remain most joyful? When I am spending time with my family. When I am in an empowering workshop. When I am all alone, at home with myself. When I have the freedom to be. When I am singing, writing, reading, cooking, serving, and entertaining friends.

In which situations am I least self-conscious? When I am in complete acceptance of myself.

What drives me? My desire to create heaven on earth, starting with my heart and my home.

What do I secretly dream about? I dream about a world where all will have freedom to be themselves.

What do I desire so much that I am willing to do whatever it takes to get it? I desire the freedom to be who I am.

What one thing do I want to do that would fill the empty parts of my heart and soul? I want to offer 100% compassion and empathy to myself.

What projects stir my compassion and excite my imagination? The project to bring heaven on earth, beginning from my heart and home.

My life purpose is to ‘Establish Heaven on Earth, beginning from my own Heart and Home.’

My life is on track. I am 99.999% aligned with my life purpose. Yipppppeeeeeeee!!!!

Whenever I feel stressed (my energy field contracts), I come to know that I am not flowing with life...... I am not in alignment with my life-purpose in that moment.

On the other hand, when I am in alignment with my heart (which knows my life purpose) my energy field expands; I feel spacious and joyful. Life flows through me in music, dance, laughter, compassion, and writing.....

I am grateful to my various stress-reactions for bringing me this profound understanding and opportunity for course-correction. 

I am grateful to my heart for keeping me 'on course'....

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