One more understanding which is getting clearer by the day is to do with the definition of the conscious/ subconscious/ and supra-conscious mind............The way I understand it now; these terms were used by different philosophers in different time-lines to explain the same trinity- our Higher Self.
The formula: Higher Self= Mind+ Soul+ Spirit can also be written as Higher self = Mind (Conscious Mind) + Soul (Sub-Conscious Mind) + Spirit (Supra-Conscious Mind)
Conscious mind is the so-called tip of the ice-berg, which understands/ philosophizes/ thinks/ deducts/ spins a tale/ imagines/ concludes/ digests information/ creates stories etc
Sub-conscious mind is the reservoir of memories of all the experiences which are stored in our cells (each cell is like a computer chip with great capacity to store data). In therapy, we move beyond the conscious / logical mind and dip into the Subconscious mind - which lies sub (under the surface of, so to say) the conscious/ aware mind.
Supra-conscious mind is the divine mind from where intuition/ inspiration/ new-information/ etc. is received. In meditative states we move beyond the conscious and the sub-conscious mind and tap into the Supra-Conscious mind. Seeing the light (literally as we do in meditation and figuratively as a manner of speech) is all about accessing the Supra-conscious mind.
When we 'see' the light in meditation, new information/ knowledge gets en-coded into our system, which gets decoded over a period of time (or instantly in a flash) and eventually gets expressed as wisdom.....:))
However. while reading/ listening to anyone's thoughts, we must always keep in mind that these are just 'understandings/ perspectives' and not absolute truths
When we search for something on the Internet, what we read are only some people's thoughts/ findings/ deductions/ understandings in the past and in the present. Those are not absolute truths (though we usually take them to be). Having been a Web Content Writer for some time, I know 'how' the content is created. Most of the stuff is re-hashed material, and most 'experts' are tale-spinners. But when we find the same stuff (albeit in different words) on more than two sites, we feel re-assured that this is the truth (after all so many people are saying the same thing). This is how most untruths/ blatant lies become accepted dogma, over a period of time, through continuous repetitions (and from different schools of thoughts). This is how we get brain-washed!!
So, all we need to do is- LISTEN/ READ.....MULL OVER......UNDERSTAND......FEEL ITS ENERGY..........and then ask your heart, "Does this resonate with me?" If it does, think some more about it...digest it...assimilate it..and imbibe it....But if it doesn't just keep it aside/ archive it/ or simply throw it out of the window!!!!!
(As my truths keep changing, I often wonder if there are any absolute truths. I only see layers of understandings; and each layer thrills me for a while...before a new layer opens up. I guess, it has something to do with my nomadic life. One place thrills me for a while, until I move on to a new place, with new understandings and a new outlook.)
Anxiety issues and sleeping issues are there also hard work and obstacles sre there in life. A lot of heat is there in the brain. Also on the supraconscious level energy is blocked and disbalanced. So unknown fear and health issues sre also there.
ReplyDeleteCan u please what this means and how to tackle it