In my journey, I have read/ heard/ and discussed various definitions of mind, soul, spirit, god etc. Tonight in my meditation I asked for the simplest of them all, and this is what came through me....
Let us look at your most favourite toy- your computer. You do not know much about its working but you do know that there is a hardware, sitting right on your desk, and it is loaded with certain software which makes you do all the writing and other stuff, and it needs a source of electricity/ power to run. You are also connected to the Internet (your lifeline). Which component is the most important? Which can you do without?
And now let us look at you. You have a hardware, your body. It is loaded with certain software which makes you do all kinds of stuff (including thinking, emoting, feeling, working, acting etc); let us collectively call it your individual soul. You are tuned into the Collective Consciousness; which is the Internet of the Universe. and the power comes from your spirit.
As humans you have different bodies but they all have similar components (just as computers have), the basic software is similar but can be downloaded/ uploaded in different combinations depending upon the kind of work you need/ choose to do (the soul carries combination of emotions/ experiences/ memories/ sanskars etc depending upon the kind of work you need/ choose to do).....Spirit is always connected to the Power (God). If there is no power the computer/ body can't work. If the software crashes (soul leaves), computer (body) can't work.
Collective consciousness/ Internet is the most vital component of the entire human (computer) experience. That's the place from where you download thoughts/ emotions and upload thoughts/ emotions all the time. It is a constant exchange. Both give and take happens continuously.
Now tell me, which component is the most important? Which can you do without?
Is it simple enough? For the time being; YES!!
and ALL components are equally important. I need them all.
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