Some random thoughts from the archives...........:))
"The body, mind and soul are a trinity. This trinity has a free-will, and so does the divinity. The divinity overrules / vetoes the free-will of the trinity only in the larger interest of the whole, until then it lets the trinity play the drama. When the trinity has had enough of the play and desires to remember its pristine origins, the divinity honours that desire....and no desire is too big or too small for divinity. All desires of the trinity are fulfilled; but each trinity receives as it believes. Each one's faith is received....."
Isn't that interesting? The humanity's free-will can always be vetoed by the divinity (just as parents can veto a child's free-will); hence, the beautiful prayer..'THY WILL be done..' and EACH ONE RECEIVES as s/he BELIEVES........We receive abundance if we believe in abundance. We receive love if we believe in love. We receive peace if we believe in peace. We receive health if we believe in health.........and how much do we receive? As much as we believe we are worth........Wow! We receive according to our faith in ourselves!! Nothing more; nothing less!
So, what stops us from believing in love, peace, health and abundance??? What stops us from believing enough... in ENOUGH?
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