Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Life Purpose

These days I come across a lot of young people who question, "What is the purpose of life?" For me, the purpose of life is to be present, in every moment, with as much compassion, wisdom, and skillfulness, as is possible.............In the process of living this purpose, we express our highest potential.....

Human Form

Learned teachers tell us that our desires keep us in our body-prisons. They also make us come again and again to Mrityu-lok (Earth plane) in human form. Hence, they advocate the state of desire-less-ness to achieve moksha/ nirvana/ release from the cycle of life and death. This is the aim of all spiritual seekers. 

While all of this is true; this advice is based on the premise that the physical body is the cause of all ills, the Mrityu-lok is a terrible place, and one should not come back to it.

But what if we allowed ourselves to summon life-enhancing desires? What if we lived gaily, joyously, passionately, and boisterously? And what if we made a conscious transition (die consciously) from the same gay, joyous, passionate, boisterous space? Would we still want to avoid the Mrityu-Lok experience?

This also brings me to another question, “If the Earth experience was actually so bad that everyone is waiting to get rid of it forever, why did we, the exalted spirit beings, CHOOSE this experience, in the first place?” We must have been out of our mind to do that? (We surely were out of our much maligned bodies!)

To my mind, the popular spiritual thought originates in the theory that being born on Planet Earth is a form of punishment for exalted devas (a la Adam and Eve story). However, I do not believe in that theory. My intuition says that only the bravest of the brave choose an Earth experience because this is the greatest adventure in this Universe.

When we go back Home (after each round), we are truly applauded for our courage and successful sojourn; and that is true for EACH and EVERY human being, despite of whatever kind of life s/he may have lived. If there is any remorse/ guilt /pain/ admonition etc it comes from the individual soul itself, which becomes eager to come back and rectify self-perceived problems.

Knowing all this, I live my life joyously and enthusiastically, feeling all my emotions, satisfying all my desires, and choosing to create Heaven on Earth- beginning from my own home space…. I am very confident that one day I would make my transition from this time-space, in the same spirit..:)))

How I love the Mrityu-Lok….


Our desires attract the Universal Life Force to flow through us and make manifest the unmanifest energy (Shiva factor).......:) There can be no human life without desires......No desires: No physical life.

When we understand the power (magnetic force) of our desires, we become very conscious of them, and choose not just for our personal benefit but for the Highest Good of All.....That's how the Heaven on Earth gets created....:)

Any takers for this Heaven?