Friday, April 4, 2014

Seeker or Co-creator

The ego (the personality self) knows life as a seeker and cannot imagine a life where all questions are answered and there are no more questions to be asked. The path of the seeker ends when the seeker realizes that the one who asks the question is also the one who holds its answer.

Whatever understanding your soul seeks is already inherent within each experience of your life; just allow yourself to pause long enough to hear the answer. Each life experience carries THE answer for you, and only one answer is required. (Dhai aakhar Prem ka padhe so Pandit Hoye)

You bring divine order to chaos when you understand that the one who is AWARE of the chaos IS the answer and the solution to it.

When you are no longer a seeker, when you become the answer to all your questions through your re-connection, you look at life as a ‘path of unfolding creation’ where you move from one point of creation to another- acknowledging your role as the co-creator of the Uni-verse (one song that we all are singing). 

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