Monday, April 29, 2013


These days we are packing our household stuff for moving to Jaipur....Today while going through some loose sheets of paper, that carry my random thoughts (conversations with mySelf), I read, "You are here to 'ground' your Spirit.....through a human body. Only when you are fully grounded can you soar like an eagle." and later I read Arpitha Kodhamagundla's comment on one of my posts, "Reaching the state of bliss is what is called Grounding.." Is that a co-incidence or what? The Universe sure knows how to get a point across.............:) 

Thank you Arpitha.....Thank you Universe...This sure is a POWERFUL message!!! 

Sunday, April 28, 2013


“The time has come to believe. The time has come to allow yourself to soar on the wings of truth, not the truth you have been taught, but the truth that lives in your heart, the truth that is made from love and power. Allow this truth to speak and you may hop aboard the eagle and fly.”............Carrie Hart

These words came into my inbox this morning...........and set me thinking! The time has come to believe......Believe in what? Of course, believe in My Truth.......and what is My Truth........the one that lives in my heart- the Truth that is made from love and power? Love and Power? That is an interesting combination.........When we use our Power with Love (in whichever area of our life, whether at home or at work), we allow our Truth to speak through us.

This Truth cannot be pre-meditated upon...It simply reveals itself from moment to moment, depending upon the need of that moment and the need of the players in that moment.

Hence, in any given moment, if we just use our Personal Power with Love, we will (metaphorically) hop aboard the eagle and fly? Why eagle? Well, eagle symbolizes a boundless spirit of Freedom.......:))

Freedom lies in speaking our Truth, and our Truth is expressed when we use our Personal Power in Love......Can it get simpler than that??? Simple, but not easy...♥

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Journey

"The end of religion is the beginning of spirituality; the end of spirituality is the beginning of Reality, and the end of Reality is the real Bliss. When that too is gone, we have reached the destination. That is the highest mark, which is almost inexpressible in words."

Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra, Vol. 1 (1st Indian edn., 1989)", Chapter "Reality – Its Static and Dynamic Aspects", pg. 306, by Babuji Maharaj"

My sister Pratibha Kang, shared these words with me right when I was taking stock of my journey...........As I read them, I understood that I am at the end of spirituality and beginning of reality phase.........because I often find the 'in-your-face spiritual jargon' too cliched and hollow....More and more I resonate with those people who LIVE their  inner Truth in their day-to-day lives (they may or may not call themselves spiritual)....I often use the phrase, 'Let's get real.' (especially with my 'spiritual' friends, who continue to reside in astral worlds)  It is interesting to note that some great master had looked at The Journey and categorized it in this manner........:)

The Universe always sends us the missing pieces of the jig-saw-puzzle called The Journey of Life....


When we begin our journey to 'Know Thyself', each one of us takes a different path , but we all remain seekers. Then somewhere along the journey, we get to 'know' our true nature. We come face to face with it.....calling it an enlightenment/ awakening/ realizing our Buddha Nature or Krishna Consciousness etc. But the journey doesn't end there; now our focus shifts from 'seeking' to 'expressing' that True Nature, especially through the arising of negative emotions or myriad pains of the body.......Yes, we continue to experience these afflictions of the mind/ body organism,  but without getting caught up in their stories!!

At this stage of my journey, I don't resonate with the word 'seeker' any more........I am more an EXPRESSION of my inner Truth.........and so it is!!!

Friday, April 26, 2013


When it comes to guiding people on the spiritual path or providing life coaching, most people think that we have to lead perfect lives with all our stuff in place, all sorted out, at all times. This is the ‘guru’ trap. A guru has to be perfect! Those who buy into this trap, stay stuck in it, until they remember that there is no end to learning.

Everyone, at whatever space in their own journey, can find someone who can learn from their experience and vice-versa. That is why I prefer the term ‘sharing’ to ‘teaching’. All teachers actually share their knowledge and wisdom; how much of it gets across to a student depends upon that student and his/her inclinations! Similarly, all teachers continue to learn more and more, not only about their own subject but many other subjects as well. Any teacher who stops learning stops growing; and that is next to impossible!

There is no stage when we can declare, ‘Now I have arrived. Now there is nothing to learn. I know everything. My life is all fixed. Now I can be of service to others.’

The fact remains that while we may master certain areas of our life, we still remain students in some other areas. This is a beautiful and sacred process of helping and seeking help. On this journey, we can offer support and guidance to someone who has not yet travelled on that path, and seek support on the path that we are yet to travel.

Putting the pressure upon ourselves (or others) of being perfect and ‘knowing it all’ before being ready to share is nothing but a self-sabotaging trap. We all are works in progress. And it is okay to be incomplete/ vulnerable/ fearful/ uncertain while sharing our gifts with others.

It helps to remember that perfection is a mirage; and yet, we are perfect the way we are in the present moment. And it is fun to share our journey with others; even when we are struggling with our own baggage! 


I have always been against sexual innuendos in social conversation, liberal use of swear-words that casually speak about raping your mother/ sister, lewd/ clinical comments on female figures, taking liberties with / making fun of the opposite sex etc. etc. etc. (it is a long list); but of late, I have observed my impatience with this casual / insensitive approach growing by the day. I have also become more forceful in expressing my objection/ displeasure/ disgust etc.

Since observing my thoughts and emotions is my favorite pastime, I catch the  rise/ flow/ ebb of my emotional tides very well; but somehow I couldn't exactly put a finger on this particular 'sore point'. Hence, I attributed my militant reaction to the very air around me, where 'rape' has become a household word (holding the entire population to ransom).

But last night (and this afternoon) after listening to Lord Maitreya's message (delivered through Ellaeenah Niloufer) I was jolted out of my reverie! (If you haven't heard it, please do at

I realized that NOW is the time to bring out that much maligned/ suppressed/ vilified/ revered / taboo/ curiosity arousing word SEX, out of the closet, and discuss its energy openly on social forums (and not behind closed doors).

In a country that gave birth to Kamasutra (the art and science of love-making), where explicit sexual images adorn our temple walls, where men and women of all ages lovingly pray to the phallus and the vagina (Shiva Linga and the Yoni), where giving birth to a child is the most important function of a married couple, it is a shame that when a small child innocently plays with his so-called 'private' parts (as though the other body parts are public parts), s/he is put to such shame that the poor thing wonders what crime s/he has committed......and in that moment a seed is sown which grows and creates all our woes regarding sex!
How many of us can truly say that I am not carrying any beliefs in my mind/ heart about sex being dirty/ sinful/ something that shouldn't be spoken about? How many of us can truly say that our sex lives are fulfilling not only our physical but also our psychological and spiritual needs? As Lord Maitreya forcefully conveyed, "If you have a joyful/ blissful sex life, you don't need to either meditate or use any other healing tool."
The point is that my 'activist' reaction to the use (misuse) of this sacred energy speaks of my own suppressed/ repressed energy.....and that is the Last Bastion of various energy blocks....Unless this energy is healed/ assimilated / worked with/ given its due place of sanctity, further evolution cannot happen (this is a major road-block and the one I was not really looking at).........

One simple solution (also re-enforced by Lord Maitreya) is FORGIVENESS of all concerned, including (and most importantly) ourselves.

Now that this point has been brought home to me o forcefully (and timely), this particular energy will be the focus of my prayers..........Om Namah Shivay......

Thursday, April 25, 2013


The present times are paradoxical in more ways than one; but one particular area where the paradox is most apparent is the area of FOOD....:)

Yes, on one hand we hear of shortage of food; but on the other hand our food-stores are overflowing with bottled, packaged, canned, carton-ed, frozen and fresh foodstuff. All kinds of imported and desi foodstuffs vie for shelf space.

On the one hand, we talk about escalating food prices and on the other hand our shopping baskets/ pantries/ refrigerators overflow with food stuff.

Every nook and corner of our cities has more than one eatery; more and more people are eating out- splurging more on food.

We gorge ourselves on extra food and then look for ways to lose weight.

We expend our energy on digesting the extra food that we eat and then pop in energy enhancing boosters.

We don’t have time (and inclination) to prepare healthy food and then we lament about everyone being hooked to junk food.

We buy, consume, store and throw more food than ever. But how can we resolve this paradox? How can we come out of this box? The solution is very simple. We have to start ‘thinking’ and asking the right questions.

For starters, let us ask ourselves, "why do I buy and store so much food stuff when there is no shortage of food in the market; nothing is going to run away or fly off the shelves? Why do I need to eat so much and store it in my body, when it can easily be stored outside it? Why do I eat when I am not even hungry? What need of mine am I feeding? What emptiness am I filling with food?"

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


In my practice as a life coach, I come across many people, who lead a very good life with no practical problems (no health issues, no money issues, happy children, loving husband) and yet, they suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, and sometimes depression. Such people are usually very aware (and sometimes they themselves are healers) but no alternative therapy seems to work either. So, what is the solution?

As I have seen it with them (and with myself), this happens when we let ‘un-founded/ exaggerated’ fears control our very existence. Fear, of course, carries a clear indication that there are still some soul-lessons to be learnt (unassimilated strands to be healed). But sometimes, despite knowing everything, we run away from our fears, and convince ourselves that we are unable to deal with our anxiety. We don’t allow ourselves to ‘see’ the wonderful, all-knowing residing deity- our Spirit Spark.

Anxiety is caused by fear of being out of control (not being able to control life). The healing begins when we allow ourselves to go into our feelings and look for the underlying origin, as soon as the fear surfaces and we begin to panic. (In my case, I was carrying ‘not good enough/ not enough’ paradigm within me.)
Sometimes panic attacks come when we believe that we are going to get caught by others for not being who they think we are. (Reality not matching the projection/ fear of exposure of true feelings/ inability to accept oneself)

Depression stems from a total lack of connection with who we are. It creates a un-fill-able void inside us. We try to fill it with food/ drinks/ addictions/ material possessions/ clinging/ wanting more of everything; but nothing helps.

Most people, who suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, and depression carry very strong belief systems by which they judge everything that happens to them (I know because I have been there). And unless we change our belief system, no therapy (however effective) can work. The power lies in accepting that you have limiting beliefs and work towards changing them.

The process is slow, but well worth it!! 


Coming back to our understanding of dimensions and relating them to healing........I understand that all those healing modalities that focus primarily on body (physical healing) dwell in the realm of 1-D consciousness; the ones that include the mind (physical+ mental healing) dwell in the realm of 2-D consciousness; while the ones that also take emotions into consideration (physical+ Mental+ emotional healing) are rooted in 3-D consciousness; and the ones that include Spirit (physical + mental + emotional + soul healing) dwell in 4-D realm. After that realm, all healing is self-healing, which keeps happening automatically, just as everything else in the universe happens and eventually there is no disease- as there is no need for it....:))

A consciousness rooted beyond the 4-D understands that when we heal our mind our body heals; when we heal our emotions, our mind+ body heals; when we heal our soul, our emotions+ our mind+ our body heals......

And if we only concentrate on healing our body; nothing heals!!

Body is the canvas where the un-assimilated (un-healed) soul-strands express themselves out through dis-ease. The cause is always present at the soul level.....if that is healed, all is healed!!

And the power to choose, as always, lies within us!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Most of us (especially mothers) feel anxious when our kids begin to drive on our ‘killer’ roads, sharing the precious space with speeding drivers on cell-phones. We see or hear of so many accidents that we feel our fears are justified. But are do actually doing a dis-service to our children by fearing/ worrying/ nagging/ being lovingly overprotective?

While it is natural to want to protect our children from any danger coming from outside or from within them, we must remember that humans do not learn to take responsibility for their actions unless they are given the opportunity to be responsible. All sentient beings (including humans) are naturally grounded in the energy of self-preservation (the survival instinct), and we must trust this energy in our children.
We do great dis-service when we transfer our own fears to our children; telling them that they have something to fear about, regardless of how prepared they might be! When children sense our fears, the fears become more real to them and they begin to fear as well. This added energy calls our fears into being and more often than not becomes a cause for accidents. Is that what we truly want?

In a world where potential dangers (traffic, crazy fellow beings, vagaries of nature etc) lurk around every corner, it is good to say (and believe), “All is well in my world.” With this thought in mind we can allow our children to make their choices and follow their heart- and this applies not only to driving but life itself.

Let us not let our fears arouse our children’s fears……..:))

Remember- Whenever we feel fearful about something, it is an indication that our soul wants us to understand some things.

Growth and Evolution

In order to understand why ‘bad’ things happen to ‘good’ people, we need to get clear about why things happen in the first place? Why are we here on planet earth? Why is our planet a place of duality where positive and negative energies reside in equal measure? Why do we need to learn our so-called life lessons?

The answer to all the above questions is just one- we are here on planet earth because we as souls freely chose to be here. It was our CHOICE! Something like choosing to join a school, study a particular subject, take up a particular adventure, face a particular challenge etc. If we wish to grow and evolve, we need to challenge ourselves and expand beyond our comfort zones. That is exactly what souls (you and I) are doing on earth. We are challenging ourselves in order to grow/ evolve/ expand. And all that can’t happen if we remain in our comfort-zones! Simple!

When we experience the so-called bad things, we not only get a taste of what negativity feels like but also understand what its opposite, the so-called good feels like. Earth is the only place where this experiment is going on- the rest of the universe (where we have come from) exists in benign loving energy (and that is our default home state too).

As we grow and evolve we learn that most negative situations get resolved when we use the tool of self-love (I accept myself and this situation. I am grateful to myself and this situation. I forgive myself and this situation etc); however, there are some situations that demand that we face them courageously and squarely; and in the bargain learn how to live with them until the death of this current physical body.

Yes, negative situations bring about ‘fear’ in us, but when the fear comes we need to look for some lesson in the fearful situation. Someone has rightly said, “Whenever we feel fearful about something, it is an indication that our soul wants us to understand some things.”

Happy growing and evolving!

Monday, April 22, 2013


Until I got married, I didn’t have much interest in cooking, and hence, didn’t learn much from my mother. But thanks to my Bengali-in-laws and recipe books, over the years I became a seasoned/ versatile cook. I love to experiment/ innovate and generally be creative with food.

Recently, ever since I understood the concept of ‘live food’, I find myself becoming more interested in assembling salads than doing real cooking; and for past few days, since I have discovered the joys of juicing…..I feel ecstatic and excited about creating dark green, light green, red, yellow juices. I feel the joy a little child feels while mixing colors in water…….my juicer does that for me and I happily drown glass-fuls of color…..Wow! It couldn’t get better than this…..or could it?


We are often told that we are moving from a 3-D (dimensions of consciousness) reality to a 5-D reality, where 4-D is the doorway/ bridge/ connecting-link that we are accessing/ passing through right now. Some others talk about being in 7-D, 9-D, 12-D etc. Some say there are infinite dimensions! All this talk leaves us pretty confused. (Almost sounds like an abstract math class!)

Let me try and make it simpler to understand. Our first D is the Body, in 2-D the Mind gets added and 3-D encompasses the realm of Body-Mind-Emotions. The 4th D is the SPIRIT. At every stage we keep adding one new dimension to our being! The main difference with the 4th dimension is that The Spirit (the 4th dimension) opens up the floodgates for us to access any new dimension at will. It doesn’t mean that we will not access our1-D, 2-D or 3-D paradigms any more, it only means that after we learn to ACCESS the Spirit at will and at all times, we can access any other dimension after that. (It is like once you have the Internet, you can access any website. You need not know the names of all the websites, it is the keywords that take you there.)

Let us understand this through an example:-

Suppose a mishap happens in your city/life. The people in 3-D consciousness will begin to blame all and sundry. The ones in 4-D will go into meditation/ ask others to meditate upon the situation. The ones in 5-D will start exposing the real truth behind the scenes. Those in yet higher dimensions will feel compassion for all sides. They would know that the ones perpetuating the crime are only playing a role to make the current reality so painful that people are left with no choice but to shift/ wake up. They know that any mishap eventually helps people take back their power. Nothing happens just like that, without any reason. Any mishap jolts people out of their complacence, in order to bring forth the good for/ from all.

When we begin to observe our thoughts/ emotions/ words, we begin to learn our state of consciousness in any given moment; and as we dance through our multi-dimensional-states, we truly discover ourselves.....:)

Meal In- Meal Out

Some time ago a friend of mine said, “I have become a medical intuitive. I can look at people’s faces and diagnose if they are constipated.” As I looked at her in admiration, she guffawed, “It is very simple. If someone is not smiling, s/he must be constipated. Can’t you recognize a constipated look?” I laughed with her then, but when I look at so many unsmiling faces around me, I often think of her words. By her definition, almost everyone is constipated.

My mother, who suffers from chronic constipation, tells me that in her younger days, everyone, including her, regularly moved bowels twice a day. If someone did it only once, s/he was given a laxative.

As I mull over her words, they make sense to me, and when I learn through the Internet that the digestive health's thumb-rule is 'one meal in-one meal out', I understand the reason behind two bowel movements; in our ancestral household, people ate two meals a day!

Going by this thumb-rule, most of us are constipated. We eat three meals a day (if not more) but pass the poop only once a day (or on alternate days!)

I am reminded of our pet dog, Catherine. We gave her two meals and took her out twice a day. The day she couldn’t move her bowels, she would refuse to eat; and that’s really something for a Labrador! Instead, she would go around looking for some grass. She always knew where to find it, even though we moved several houses/ cities with her! That dear dog followed her instincts to add roughage to her diet (just as all dogs do); she intuitively knew that she must not stuff more food into her system, if she had not emptied it .

Small babies too easily follow the meal in-meal out formula. What happens when we grow up? Why don’t we pass regular stools as our elders used to or as our babies and our dogs do? Regular here means; Meal in -Meal out!


Ascension is the process of ascending one’s consciousness while living in the physical body. It requires the ability to view life’s events from a higher/ larger/ broader perspective; wherein one can observe both the positive and the negative, and find great value in both. This ability is highly valuable as it lets us ride the waves of change that are here BIG TIME! It requires a new set of beliefs, seeing beyond the obvious (the 10% of reality that we see) to what is really going on (the 90% of reality that is hidden), and re-balancing ourselves after each shock.

Waking Up!

While walking the path of ‘awakening’, many people feel alone, unsupported, and misunderstood. They become very aware of other people’s state of ‘sleepiness’, since they can’t connect with them. (How can an awake person connect with a sleeping person? For the connection to happen, the one sleeping has to awaken too!!)
Now the question arises, should the awake one try to wake up the one sleeping? I, for one, don’t believe in this. Even in the physical realm, I don’t like to wake a sleeping person up, unless s/he asks me to do it. (this was not the case even a couple of years ago…J)

Awake people know that there is more to life and living than what one is aware of with our physical senses. Most of them are highly intuitive, empathetic, and sensitive; which is both a blessing and a challenge. It is a blessing because they perceive the world in a much more profound, enlightened and spirit-filled way. And it is a challenge, because they are also aware of how many people in their world are sleepy, unaware and not aware that they are unaware. They begin to feel that they should do something about waking people up, in order to make a difference in the world. So, some of them become like blaring alarm clocks while some others act like snooze buttons. Some wait for the others to wake up before deciding to do anything with their time (the whole household must awaken before anything can be done). Some keep lamenting about the world that needs to awaken but is not open to it.

But what happens when you wake sleeping people? They may not get up despite your nudging/ shaking/ shouting/ grumbling/ cajoling/ requesting/ giving reasons etc; making you feel judgmental, critical and frustrated in the bargain- and spoiling your relationship for good. They may get up and start grumbling. They may shout back at you for disturbing them and not letting them sleep in peace. Some may thank you but become too dependent upon you for waking them up, every time they fall asleep; and may blame you if you can’t/ won’t do it.
And what happens when you let them sleep? They may miss their appointments/ or other benefits of waking up.
BUT have you ever met anyone who continues to sleep forever? Every one eventually awakens. Yes, they may miss their appointments, and sometimes may blame you for not waking them up, but in their heart of hearts, they know that they alone are responsible for waking up and may act more responsibly in future.   They may feel very happy, refreshed and charged after sleeping well, and may do something very creative / productive upon awakening. They may thank you for letting them sleep extra. 

The best thing is that you will definitely feel more calm, peaceful and carefree (I experience it when I allow people to decide when they wish to wake up.)

The question is – who decides when it is time for someone to wake up? What about letting people sleep until they are ready to wake up by themselves? Why must we worry about them missing the bus?

The answer is very simple. Those who awaken before others do, must get the bed-tea ready, with the biscuits on the side!! Yes, that is the challenge before us. The awakened ones must make some difference in a world that needs to ‘see’ and NOT ‘hear’ a new path (new way of living) before it is willing to consider it as an option to the existing paths.

People wake up (awaken) when they are ready, and not before that. BEING the difference we want to see in the world is the only tool that will wake the world up to its own potential.

In order to BE THE DIFFERENCE, we have to SHOW the world the possibilities that are available. We can do this not by telling them that they are asleep but by showing them what can be achieved when you wake up! For that we need to use our ability, our mindset, our gifts, and our understandings to make our world more joyful and fulfilling. Only our fun/ joy/ fulfillment can make others CHOOSE to wake up!

The choice, as always, lies with each individual! And so it is!

Friday, April 19, 2013

The child that you were

Someone asked me yesterday, "Would the child that you were be proud of the woman that you are?" I said, "That's a beautiful question! I believe that the child that I was would be very proud of the woman I am."....She smiled and said, "How many persons can honestly say this?" I replied, "I don't know. Not many I guess; but I am certain about the feelings and thoughts of the child that I was (have done a lot of inner-child work and understand her completely by now). Even the teenager that I was, or the young adult that I was, or the woman that I was until yesterday, would be proud of the woman that I am today! There is no doubt in my mind/ heart about that."

What say you? Would the child that you were be proud of the wo/man that you are? Yes, No, May be, Perhaps......................:)))))


Our individual, community, and global conversations influence (create) our experiences. The words we speak become the body/ house/ community/ city/ country/ world we live in.

 We don’t live in a set of circumstances. Our world and our circumstances get created in / through our conversations. When our conversations focus upon fear, terror, revenge, anger, retribution, jealousy, envy, comparison, competition, sexual abuse, rape, murders, terrorism, pollution etc, that is the world we begin to inhabit. Conversely, if our conversations are about possibility, hope, inspiration, beauty, joy, gratitude, and appreciation, then that’s the world we begin to inhabit.

(More often than not, our conversations contain BOTH stories, and we continue to experience both the worlds.)

 Most people think that the words we say/ write simply express our innermost thoughts, but the truth is that our innermost thoughts (and our public conversations) create our circumstances/ life conditions/ relationships/ challenges - our whole world.

Our present world needs healing/ cleaning/ over-hauling, because we need healing/ cleaning/ over-hauling. And this process can begin with being aware of our conversations and if need be, change them. This can only happen when we choose to remember that the words we speak, influence/ create the world we live in.

Whatever thoughts/ feelings/ beliefs we express in our conversations, become our experiences in life- our self-fulfilling prophecies.

 It is time now to examine our conversations with ourselves and others and ask, “Do our conversations in personal, professional, and community life reflect what we really want from life? If not, how can we change them?”

 While it is tempting to please the ego-personality that feels justified in carrying negativity, we can always change that if we want to. And the point to power as always lies within us.
 One simple way to improve our conversations is by asking better/ right questions, especially about life’s inter-connectedness and inter-dependence. Simple questions like, ‘What is the possible solution? What might work? What will make it right? What would be ideal? How can I help to make it right?’ carry the power to change our world.

 Today, let us pay due attention to our conversations and make a difference to the world!


"We awaken in others the same attitude of mind we hold towards them."
– Elbert Hubbard

What a beautiful saying and so very true! When I think of someone as stubborn, s/he shows a stubborn attitude towards me. When I think of someone as intelligent, his/ her intelligence gets expressed in my presence. When I think of someone as lazy, that person reveals laziness of mind and body. 

I awaken in others, what I think about them.....and so do you! So, the next time you either praise or criticize someone's behaviour, know that you have awakened it in him/ her/ them, by your perceived opinion of that person (or a certain type of people).

For example, when we think that Indians will always litter, they do!! When we think that politicians/ bureaucrats/ police officials are usually corrupt, they are!! When we think that corporate practices are mostly unethical, they are!!

If we wish to change the world, we have to change our attitude towards it!! and our attitudes get affected by what we think/ read/ write/ speak...:))

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mutual Growth

In order to keep a close relationship (parent-child, husband-wife, live-in-couple, close friends, siblings) really close/ happy/ sincere/ hassle-free/ stress-free/ drama-free/ joyous/ authentic/ fulfilling etc, BOTH partners must REMEMBER that both are on the same side-  in the same team - with same basic needs- the need to be needed/ loved/ appreciated/ admired/ respected/ accepted/ grow/ expand/ have space/ disagree/ say no/ say yes/ seek assistance/ stay happy/ stay healthy/ and just be authentic vulnerable selves sans any masks.....:)

Both must remember that behaviour patterns/ habits/ lifestyle choices/ reactions/ responses/ addictions/ compensations/ defense mechanisms/ diseases etc find deep roots in these needs.

Both must be willing to look deep within self (or through external mirrors) in order to identify their inner needs (this step is CRUCIAL and needs a LOT OF COURAGE)

Both must mutually lend a hand/ shoulder to help each other understand / satisfy/ fulfill/ overcome/ transcend their basic needs. 

The 'householder route' (where all these intricate relationships are possible and all these steps can be practiced) is the shortest path to Bliss/ Nirvana/ Heaven..............if BOTH choose it to be so...and that is a big 'IF' :))))))

The time for working on oneself, in isolation is nigh over. The next step is to work in pairs; and that needs WILLING partners.....otherwise, a sacred opportunity to GROW TOGETHER will be lost!! and that is a GREAT LOSS indeed!!

What is Love?

Love is a state of being. It is our 'home' state. When we are completely at peace with ourselves, without any demands, expectations, needs, requirements, emotions, points to prove, fears, worries, uncertainties etc etc, we are in that home state of love. When any of these 'interruptions' happen, they super-impose other states of being- such as being in anger, being in fear, being in ecstasy, being in attachment, being in greed, being in lust, etc. etc. upon the home state of love. In other words, the state of love doesn't go away, it only gets temporarily hidden/ over-shadowed/ covered/ painted over. (something like the sky getting covered with clouds/ stars etc). 

Hence, whether we realize it or not, we ALWAYS remain in a state of love. We cannot possibly leave that state of being. EVERYONE, including the rapist, the murderer, the corrupt, the terrorist, the saint, the rogue, the rich, the poor, REMAIN in the state of Love at all times; it is the 'interruptions/ disturbances/ clouds/ stars' that determine our happiness or unhappiness. 

Love is the state of oneness. Hence, there are no words to define the opposite of love; though we use words like hate and fear to bring love into the realm of duality and thus get confused about what love actually is. (Opposite of hate is compassion; and opposite of fear is fearlessness/ courage). 

Love you all..............:)

(When I say 'love you' that means, I am communicating from my home state.) (But come to think of it, the 'interruptions' make our lives more colourful and interesting, just as clouds/ stars/ sun / moon make the sky more interesting. As long as we don't forget what the sky actually looks like, without the super-impositions...ALL IS WELL.)

Mother Nature

"Life on Planet Earth is always in a flux. Varieties of species come and go according to the particular need of the energy that they create. One of the tasks of Gaia (consciousness of Planet Earth/ Mother Nature) is to create and eliminate species. When a species (plant or animal) is no longer needed for the purpose of Gaia’s development, it ceases to exist and dies out. If new life is necessary, if new concepts of life are needed, Gaia co-operates in their creation. This process is closely linked and coordinated with changing weather on the planet. Long-term studies of the environment point out to actual creation and destruction of species. It is an ongoing process.  

However, some humans don’t understand this and want to save all the species that exist now. In their linear mind, all the species should remain and exist, just because they are here at this time. The Gaia, however, continues to eliminate some, cull some out, and bring in some new ones according to its own energy requirements . It is a natural and appropriate evolutionary process."..............Kryon

These words of Kryon completely resonate with me. I believe that there is a natural order in this universe and everything happens (is happening) according to a larger game plan that we are not consciously privy to.....and yet, we fall prey to doubts, fears, worries, righteous indignation, missionary zeal, I-shall-save-you mode.....:))) We are all defaulters on this front (me included) in one way or another. I guess, that's what makes us human........our ego-personalities don't become sublime so easily!!

In the end, I am always compelled to return to my regular mantra, "It is okay to have doubts. It is okay to be fearful. It is okay to worry. It is okay to feel righteous indignation. It is okay to nurture a missionary zeal. It is okay to behave as savior. It is okay to default. It is okay to be human. It is okay to have an ego-personality. It is okay to be who I am being in this present moment. However, from now onward I choose to be more trusting- in faith, surrender and remembrance- ALL IS WELL. The Spirit is in-charge here. And so it is."

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Happily Married

In our friend circles, most people have children of marriageable age, so marriage and there-after remains a common topic of hot discussions. Most parents want their children to choose their spouse themselves (a  far cry from our days and a very welcome move indeed) saying, ‘Bachhe khush rahein, aur hamein kya chaahiye.’ But in the next breath they begin wondering aloud, “Today’s children don’t have patience and tolerance. They are set in their ways and can’t change for the other. So many marriages are breaking up. It scares us.”

I wonder why such thoughts don’t occur to me. I firmly believe that if we have set a good example for our children, they will be alright; with or without marriage! Marriage is just another way of life; and those who know how to live life, will enjoy being married too….not because one must ‘get married and produce children’, but because one wants to spend one’s life with a particular person as family.

Those of us, who want our children to be happily married (and that includes all of us who have children), have to work upon our own marriage first. The day we can happily declare (to ourselves) that our marriage is making our home a peaceful, joyful heaven, we will stop worrying about our children and their marital status….:))) 

Happy Marriage

What is your secret of happy marriage?

In our case, it is knowing, remembering and if need be, reminding the other that our views/ likings/ dislikings/ preferences/ moods/ perspectives may differ from time to time but we remain on the same side....with our common love for love, peace, harmony, mutual growth and loving communication.......:)

After 30 years of togetherness we both enjoy each other's company the most.........:))

Monday, April 15, 2013


Let’s face it; most of us remain engrossed in activities that distract us from our spiritual quest. In fact, that’s precisely the reason we create those activities. Some of us are so good at these distraction tactics that we remain engrossed in them all our lives. (I don’t need to tell you what those distraction activities are; we have all been there and done that.) It is a part of the defense mechanism. We argue/ debate/ confront and like doing it all. Drama is our best friend. We thrive on it.

While all that is an individual choice, it creates a small problem for those who are trying to eliminate drama from their lives, who do not wish to play the judgment/ criticism/ competition/ comparison game anymore. After all they still need to interact with the ones who love dramas. They still need to wade through situations that carry anger, hatred, envy etc.

So, what is the solution? What works for you?

I use isolation, dis-engagement, plain honest talk, silence, smiles, and Ho’oponopono……..and that works for me......:)

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Unless we give freedom to others to act and react in whichever manner they deem fit, we cannot give the same freedom to our own selves. Our bondage is not because of others, it is because we haven't truly freed/ released others from our judgments/ expectations/ opinions..... and these are such subtle chains, which bind us so cleverly, that we fail to see/ recognize them.........So, if you truly wish to be free and soar like an eagle......FREE everyone/ everything from judgment/ expectation/ opinion!!

I know it is a tough call, given our social conditioning and upbringing; everything that we do/ say/ think, reeks of judgment/ expectation/ opinion.......har ek cell mein koot-koot ke bhara hai!

and I am going through another interesting side-story while trying to eliminate the above.....My all time friend- The Guilt- pops up every now and then saying, "See, you were judgmental now. There, you just expressed an opinion. Wasn't that mail rather opinionated? Haven't you been expecting gratitude/ acknowledgment/ shaabash? Hello!! You have a long way to go, if at all!!"

Of late, I have learnt to just listen to Ms. Guilt and smile......There is nothing left to say!! Only actions can speak louder than words...:))) I guess, when finally the freedom dawns, it will ensure a good-bye to Madam Guilt forever!!!! Won't that be great??

Yippeeeee! Just the very thought feels liberating!!

Grand Overall Design

Earlier if someone asked me to speak about my 'spiritual' experiences (in meditation or otherwise) I would tell quite a few stories, but today when someone asked me to do so, I answered in no uncertain terms that ALL my Life Experiences are Spiritual experiences. Period. There is no experience in my life (or any other life) that is not spiritual.

After all, ALL experiences are experienced by the SPIRIT/ Consciousness/ God through us (the five or more senses of the embodiment).......This reminds me of my mother's words, "Uske Hukum Ke Bina Ek Patta Bhi Nahin Hil Sakta." If a leaf can't stir, without Divine Diktat, how can we experience anything without Divine Desire???

Where is the doubt that everything that happens (or doesn't happen) in my life is there (or not there) by Divine Decree........Grand Overall Design (G.O.D.)???

Third-Eye Experiences

Why do we give more importance to our 'Third Eye' experiences over our 'two-eyes' experiences? Is it because those experiences make us feel special, 'holier-than- some others'? Is it an escape into the world we have all come from (home sickness)? Every one can have those experiences just as everyone can have open-eye experiences? It is just a matter of tuning into a certain frequency.....and watching a certain channel...:)

Earlier I used to feel in awe of such experiences and the ones who experienced them...Today, I feel in awe of (admire) those people who are fully grounded in their Earth experience........EXPRESSING their divinity through their humanity (and not through some lofty glimpses of the astral world) .......Such people (and there are far more than I can count) are my role models...♥

A Competitive Mindset

Speaking of competition, I realize that the very ill of ‘not good enough’ has its root in a world obsessed with competition.

Right from the time we are born, our competition begins. Our various growth milestones (which are so very individual) such as when we begin to teeth/ sit/ crawl/ stand/ walk/ speak etc become the topic of ‘one-up-wo-man-ship’ among relatives, colleagues and neighbors. Parents speak proudly about the early bloomers (taking full credit for the little blighter’s performance) while blame the genes (taken from a particular side of the family) as the culprit for late milestones. The poor kid, s/he is not even aware of the competitive spirit that gets aroused by such a simple thing whether s/he sleeps through the night or wakes up many times.

(No, wait a minute, that’s not true! We think that the infant is not aware of what is going on, but the energy of our competitive thoughts filters through our words and affects the baby- even in its sleep!)

From there on, the competition continues in many subtle and not-so-subtle ways. By the time a child joins the primary school, s/he is already stamped with ‘NOT GOOD ENOUGH’, because there has to be some area in which we find ourselves ‘not up to the mark’ vis-à-vis someone else. Even if we excel in a certain area, we can’t be the best in everything. And that brings us to our obsession with being an ‘ALL ROUNDER’. Every parent (whether they have achieved anything themselves or not) (especially if they haven’t achieved much and feel ‘not good enough' themselves) wants their child to be an all-rounder. And that’s an absolute impossibility, because NO ONE is designed to be an all-rounder. We can only be ‘Andhon mein Kana Raja’- ‘the one-eyed king among the blind’.

And we all want to be that- one-eyed king, even when we have the potential of seeing with not only our two physical eyes, but even a meta-physical third eye as well! What a waste of our potential!!

The genesis of this ubiquitous competition lies in our faulty thought that THERE ISN’T ENOUGH……there isn’t enough money, there isn’t enough time, there aren’t enough seats for study, there aren’t enough jobs, and there aren’t enough resources! Those who run faster than the rest, get there to lay their hands on as much as they can grab.

But wait a minute a minute! Where are we running off to? Who cares? All we know is that we need to run and grab (whatever it is that we want to grab) before someone else does, before it gets over/ finishes. And thus begins the rat race, which is another name for mindlessly going around in circles, not knowing where we are headed! And someone has very rightly said, even when we win the race, we remain a rat!!

What if we were to believe that we can all be/ do/ have what we desire from deep within? That there is no need to run, as nothing is running away from us. That we can simply enjoy our life journey from day one, being who we are, and not feeling guilty about it.

What if we grew up believing that we are lovable as we are, with our likes, dislikes, talents, desires, aptitudes, attitudes, vulnerabilities, imperfections? That we don’t need to prove anything to anyone anytime. That we can rejoice in our uniqueness.

What if we were sure that we don’t need to compete with anyone for anything? That our parents’ love was a given, that good education was a given, that earning a livelihood was a given, that a good, loving lovable home life was a given.

What if we completely believed that we don’t need to impress anyone with clever words, good looks, smart credentials, loads of money, fancy gadgets, big homes, yachts, private jets etc?

What if our loving essence shone through us at all times, dazzling us with our inherent goodness, kindness, compassion, care, and brotherhood?

What if we begin to let go of our competitiveness, small mindedness, selfishness, and grabbing- hogging - seeking attention mentality?

What if we begin to feel ‘ENOUGH’? I am enough. I have enough. There is enough to go around. There is enough where this comes from. The Source is infinite. Our potential is infinite. Resources are infinite; when one resource gets exhausted, we get creative and find new/ different resources. That is how new discoveries/ inventions are made, new jobs are created, new subjects are studied.

This is an ever-renewing, ever-evolving, ever-growing universe. We are ever-renewing, ever-evolving, ever-growing beings!
Where is the doubt that the universe has ENOUGH for all our needs? But there is certainly a doubt whether it has enough for even a few people’s greed!! And the greed originates in competition!!

It is time we did away with competition in any form; and the place to begin with, as always is, WITHIN US…:)

Competition in Families

Since we grow up in an environment of competition, we carry this competitive spirit into our family lives too (how can that not be). Hence, siblings compete with each other (some parents actually encourage it) and even spouses compete with each other (who do the children love more).

We don't even hide our proclivity for competition and comparison by blatantly asking small innocent children, 'Who loves you more? Papa or Mama? Who do you love more? etc' and depending upon the child's answer (the smarter ones always say 'both' but the adults are not satisfied with such 'spoil-sport' politically correct answers) one parent would chime in, 'Who gets chocolates/ ice-cream/ video-games etc for you?" making the child feel that all the 'goodies' (god forbid) come with a price- you HAVE TO like the one who gets you more 'stuff'.

This is just a small example, I can give many more (and even if I don't, each one of you have your own unique ones to look into). But the fact remains that 'competition' between family members is the cause of all our relational/ societal issues. and each one of us is responsible for sowing this seed in our family. (we may mask this 'competitive spirit' well, but this is the one which creates fodder for all family gossip).

In my practice as a life coach (such coaches are needed because of the mess we ourselves have created), I come across many cases of marital discord; and the root cause of all discords remains just one- yes, the ubiquitous competition. It may show up in different forms/ avatars; but there is no running away from it. 

One very important step in coaching is letting a couple see that they are both on the same side. They want the same things for themselves and their children. I have seen that the moment this thought finds root, a break-through happens. The competition gets demolished. Otherwise, every well-meaning conversation/ observation ends up in perceived fault-finding, judgment, criticism etc. and provokes a befitting retort! (ending the communication in hurt/ sulk/ anger)

And how can that not be? This is exactly what we do in other areas of our life. We are always in a competitive mode. 

The concept of win-win appeals to me a great deal because it ensures a win for all....and that's what we all are. We are all winners. There are no losers here. The only loser is -Competition; and it's high time it lost! 

The game is up!

Competitive World...Really??

I was reading Gesu Aftab's blog.......and this particular one resonated deeply. Thank you Gesu for your evocative thoughts. I have taken the liberty of adding my own twist to it.......:)))

.......We have designed an education system which teaches us to compete. We are all asked to develop an ‘urge to win’. If you are not interested or are shy, you have to be 'shaped' to win (continuously making you feel that you are not good enough). We applaud those who are ‘born to win’. All examinations, tests, entrances, sports; most activities focus upon a lot of people participating and a single person winning (or in some cases a group/ few lucky ones winning). There is only one ‘first’ (obviously). (none of us question the validity of such competition; in fact we are all a party to it)

During our most impressionable age (as a child/ teenager/young adult), we are taught to complete and win. But the most hilarious part is that when we grow up and join the work-force (in corporate, government bodies, NGOs etc) organizations have to create special departments and hire specialists to train people into ‘team work’. People are taken through various psychological exercises to build trust in others, work together, communicate clearly, have fun while working, take it easy, laugh, have passion, show compassion, be creative, and allow healthy exchange of ideas. Really!!!!! (we expect the same in families too!)

Weren’t we exactly there when we were kids? Didn’t we play for hours with our friends without competition, having fun, being a team, working together? What a colossal waste of human energy and mental health!

With an education (societal) system like that how many of us can claim to be sane?? What are we doing to change those systems which have outlived their utility? How are we contributing in creating a saner world??

Difficult questions but a simple answer---------WE MUST BE THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD.........The Father (as always) got it right!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Point of View

NO ONE can see anything from the same point of view, as I see it....Why am I so certain about it? Because I know that no one can stand on the same point where I am standing, at least not while I am standing there....:) We are not on the same point and can never be on the 'same' point....Similar yes, but not the same!!! Because when you come to the same point, I would have moved from there and vice-versa......

This is what makes our simple life complex....We can never COMPLETELY understand the other person's point of view, it is not possible. We can at best come 'close' to understanding it...BUT what we can easily do is ACCEPT that everyone's point of view is valid for that person. Because it always is.....(this is one of the absolute truths) EVERYONE'S POINT OF VIEW IS ALWAYS VALID FOR THAT PERSON- but may not be so for another person!

Whatever we observe/ believe/ understand/ see is valid from our point of view in that moment....the moment we move from that point our view changes and the new view becomes valid for us. That's so simple to understand, UNLESS we become adamant that the view that I am seeing from my point is the ONLY VIEW and every one must see it the way I am seeing it.

This reminds me of our road journeys, when we stop to admire the view, but even when we stand on the same strip of land, different things attract us....and depending upon our respective position our view is slightly different...small children always see different things because they are shorter (closer to the ground) than us........

All our problems (personal, family, societal, world) emanate from the very fact that we not only don't honour the other person's point of view, but also remain convinced that his/ her point of view is wrong. We get irritated, 'Why can't s/he see what I can see so clearly?' well, s/he can't see what you are seeing, because s/he doesn't have the same point of view. Their view is different from yours and you too can't see their point of view......:))

Today, let us make this commitment to ourselves (for our own peace) that while expressing our own point of view (which we have the right to express), we will restrain from judging another person's point of view (which we have no right to do in the first place- it is trespassing). If we don't like the other person's point of view, the least we can do is say, 'I don't agree with what you are saying, but that's alright. We are different people, with different upbringing, different life-experiences, different challenges etc. etc.'.........Let us honour our differences amicably. Let us learn to disagree without being disagreeable!

An Idle Mind

It is often said that an idle mind is a devil’s workshop. This saying came into being under the presumption that those who sit idly can imagine/ brood over non-existent problems or plot to do something evil and sinful. However, it is not necessarily true.

Plotting to do evil and thinking of imaginary problems are matters of attitudes; even so-called busy people can indulge in such pastimes.

To my understanding this saying was coined by those, with vested interest, who wanted to control people/ society, by discouraging them from thinking. A person with ‘free’ (idle) time has time to think, learn about, and debate all aspects of life, including religion and societal-inequalities. Questions arise in a mind that thinks freely ( a free-thinker). And such minds are not easy to control. Hence, people were increasingly encouraged to stop being ‘idle’.

And that’s how the culture of filling our non-working hours with mind-numbing leisure activities began!
If there is one word that small children of all cultures use most frequently, that word would be ‘why?’ Children continue to ask this question because they are curious and their imagination works overtime. This can happen only when our minds are idle.

But we have created our institutions (including families, schools, colleges, work-places etc) around not letting the mind remain idle. Even small children get so busy watching television and playing video-games that all their ‘whys’ remain limited to those activities. What a waste of human energy and its creative potential!

The fact is that our best creative ideas pop into our heads when we are not engaged in any mental activity, such as while sitting idly, walking, lazing around, bathing etc.

If you wish to let your creative juices flow, you need to increase your idle time!!! Any takers?


The more I dwell in the realm of energy and understand that we are all energy beings, the more our ways of living, working, eating, and treating everyone/ everything begin to bother me.........making me realize that compassion itself is born out of a lot of pain!! and this pain is no less than any physical pain.....:)

FORGIVENESS of myself and all remains my constant mantra. More the pain, more the need for forgiveness!! So, I have learnt!! and continue to learn....

LIFE is a great teacher!


Whenever we experience pain (whether physical or emotional), it tells us how other beings experience pain. It also tells us that sometimes we contribute to others’ pain (human, animal, plants, mineral), just as others (people, animals, bacteria, virus, fungi, chemicals etc) contribute to our pain. At such times, it is good to ask for forgiveness and offer forgiveness to the collective-consciousness.

Pain is never ‘personal’, though it may seem so. Our pain is just a small trailer of what beings do to each other. It is a sentient experience; given to us to teach us compassion.

Are we learning this lesson from our pain? Or are we waiting for a bigger dose? The choice, as always, rests with us…….:)


“You’re not free until you have nothing to prove and no need to impress anybody.” Joyce Meyer

Looking at ‘freedom’ with this definition in mind, almost all of us are not ‘free’; I certainly am not. Not so far....:)

What is it that I have to prove to myself and the world?
Worthiness? Usefulness?

Who do I need to impress with my knowledge, wisdom, lifestyle choices etc? Myself? My family? Friends? Strangers? Those who don’t know me don’t care one way or the other…and those who do, they already do….:))) So, what’s the big deal?

Intellectually I understand that my very being on this planet is proof enough that I am worthy of love, care, compassion, appreciation etc. I am here because this is where I am supposed to be right now. My being here itself is a proof of my usefulness in this moment, in the here and now. My unique energy signature plays an important role in ALL THAT IS and ISN’T….whether I know it or not, whether I make an extra effort or not………..:)

However, this intellectual understanding hasn’t yet translated into my core wisdom. It is yet to be digested and assimilated completely…..

What if I say, it is done…….I AM free? Will I be truly free then? Do I have enough faith and TRUST? Questions sometimes have clear answers and sometimes don’t!!

But I believe that when the seed is sown and nurtured, the plant will definitely see the light of the day!!

I already feel FREE-er! And so it is!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Personal Power

"Each one of us is born with a sacred contract to learn to use our personal power responsibly, wisely and lovingly"........Carolyn Myss

But before we learn to USE our Personal Power, we need to become aware of our personal power and acknowledge it. We also need to take it back from those (parents, spouse, children, teachers, institutions, society, leaders, businesses, gurus, friends etc) who we have handed it over to.

How do we determine if we have handed over our personal power? and to whom?

There is a very simple test. Think of all that you are afraid of, people you are fearful of, and whatever/ whoever stops you from following your heart.........those are the ones you have handed over your personal power to!!!!

When I take this test, I realize that my power has been scattered in many directions......and while de-centralization of power works well within a democracy (with the best interest of people at heart), our Personal Power must remain centered within us.

However, my personal experience has also taught me that once I begin to use my personal power (whatever little remains within me) responsibly, wisely and lovingly, more and more gets added to it.

Yes, just as my fears made me give my power away, without my conscious realization or consent; responsible, wise and loving use of my power makes me take it back from the world, without any conscious effort, and without their consent!

When I look at my fears, face to face, asking myself, 'What is the max that will happen if I refuse to give my power away, if I stay firm on my ground, if I simply follow my heart, if I remain true to myself, if I refuse to follow the herd, if I trust everyone, if I accept everything as it is, if I bare my vulnerability'; well, NOTHING happens!!!

Yes, that is the anti-climax. When we are ready for the worst, the worst can't face us..............That is when everything becomes effortless........and beautiful!!! Only because we begin to SEE beauty in everything!! and as they say, 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever.'

That is the by-product of using our Personal Power responsibly, wisely and lovingly in all areas of our life.

Heaven on Earth

Our ego-personality is the 'Outer-Self'; while Consciousness/ Spirit is the 'Inner-Self'.......The Residing Deity! 

When we use expressions like 'Higher'-self, we automatically condemn a part of our 'self' to be the 'Lower'-self! and since we humans dwell in duality and judgment; one part of our 'self' becomes better (holier) than the other. 

So much so, that we begin to (and continue to) 'glorify/ deify' one part at the cost of the other; and conversely, 'vilify' (make villain out of) the other part!

Can you imagine the plight of the part being vilified? Can you imagine the 'holier-than-thou' attitude of the one being glorified?

Do you see this game being played in all areas of our life? We glorify/ vilify professions/ inclinations/ institutions/ talents/ tendencies/ opinions/ complexions/ looks/ races/sexes/ animals/ flowers/ plants/ people/ parts of our own personality etc. etc. etc.

What if we stop playing this game? What if we start treating everyone as equal?

Can we begin with ourselves? Can we stop vilifying our ego-personality? Can we stop glorifying our Higher Self? Can we accord them equal status?

If we can do that, we can create Heaven on Earth...........♥

Glorious and Perfect

We ARE glorious and perfect...........:) This is not an ego issue, because in our glory and perfection we are all alike. None of us is more glorious or more perfect than another....

It is our ego-personality signature which makes us unique/ different/ separate from the other. That's why the ancients talked about 'transcending' the ego in order to understand that our ego-personality is an 'individuated' expression of the ONE glorious and perfect Spirit/ Consciousness, which resides in all beings!

However, we need to remember that the ego-personality didn't 'choose' itself- The glorious and perfect Spirit chose the ego-personality! And why did it do so? Why does it continue to do so? There must be SOME reason for the glorious/ perfect spirit to choose imperfect ego-personalities to 'house' itself!!!

Is it playing 'Hide and Seek'? Perhaps it is!

Why do WE play 'hide and seek'? To have fun? To enjoy ourselves? To break the monotony? To amuse our children?

Perhaps the glorious and perfect Spirit/ Consciousness/ Father-Mother God/ ALL THAT IS/ I AM Presence is also playing this game simply to have fun, enjoy itself, break the monotony, and amuse his/ her children-The Creation!

And what happens when we have fun and amuse ourselves?

As a by-product of having fun, our vibrations are raised, our personal (and collective) energy field gets expanded and The Consciousness expands too! What a win-win story! Win for the ego-personality and win for The Spirit!! Wow!

Don't parents usually wish win-win for both; the children and the parents?

Is it possible that Father- Mother God too want Win-Win for all of Creation??

I believe so! and SO IT IS!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Raising our Vibrations

How can we contribute to raising the vibration of the Collective Consciousness? 

Some of the things that come to my mind (and I personally do) are:-

Contributing our time and energy in some way to local orphanages, elderly care centers/ old-age homes, hospices, hospitals etc.

Sharing/ donating food, clothing, other items of daily use, money, skills, expertise etc.

Gathering with friends and family to cook/ share a meal.

Spending time with children below 8 and elders above 80.

Forgiving ourselves and others.

Being grateful for everything that is or isn't in our life.

Laughing/ smiling/ meditating/ gardening/ hugging/ loving/ playing/ dancing/ singing / celebrating life etc.

Please feel free to add to this list........

On this New Year's day, let us endeavor to raise our collective vibrations...........♥


Our suffering is never caused by something outside of ourselves; we suffer because we think (unconsciously perhaps) that it is the only choice available to us. It is important to understand (and tell ourselves) that we can choose a different way of living (and dying) whenever we wish. But this can happen only when we acknowledge ourselves (the real us) to be powerful (empowered).

Our suffering is usually created by a feeling of being smothered by life (powerlessness/ helplessness), an inability to breathe life into our dreams (not having enough courage/ not believing in ourselves), the sorrows that we carry in our heart, and unmet expectations from others - including God (not giving ourselves the gift of fulfillment in every area of our life). All these create a belief that life is something to be endured, without being able to consciously change any part of it.

Our bodies mirror our beliefs, thoughts, perceptions and experiences. Any illness in our body (mind) is a symptom of our limiting beliefs.

We have many choices in each moment, but we usually do not see them, because of our conditioning/ beliefs.
Suffering is an option, but so is joy. Powerlessness is an option, but so is expansiveness (fulfillment). Let us choose what we wish to experience- in the here and now!


Today, let us be mind-ful (aware) of our self-talk (thoughts, words about our-self)......knowing that this is a conversation with the Universe. All our thoughts/ words stay in the ethers and bring back the same energy in the form of circumstances/ situations/ opportunities/ challenges/ people in our life......Let us choose those thoughts and words that we wish to materialize in our life...:))

It is something like keying in precise keywords in Google-Search, for the websites we wish to open and experience....:)