Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Growth and Evolution

In order to understand why ‘bad’ things happen to ‘good’ people, we need to get clear about why things happen in the first place? Why are we here on planet earth? Why is our planet a place of duality where positive and negative energies reside in equal measure? Why do we need to learn our so-called life lessons?

The answer to all the above questions is just one- we are here on planet earth because we as souls freely chose to be here. It was our CHOICE! Something like choosing to join a school, study a particular subject, take up a particular adventure, face a particular challenge etc. If we wish to grow and evolve, we need to challenge ourselves and expand beyond our comfort zones. That is exactly what souls (you and I) are doing on earth. We are challenging ourselves in order to grow/ evolve/ expand. And all that can’t happen if we remain in our comfort-zones! Simple!

When we experience the so-called bad things, we not only get a taste of what negativity feels like but also understand what its opposite, the so-called good feels like. Earth is the only place where this experiment is going on- the rest of the universe (where we have come from) exists in benign loving energy (and that is our default home state too).

As we grow and evolve we learn that most negative situations get resolved when we use the tool of self-love (I accept myself and this situation. I am grateful to myself and this situation. I forgive myself and this situation etc); however, there are some situations that demand that we face them courageously and squarely; and in the bargain learn how to live with them until the death of this current physical body.

Yes, negative situations bring about ‘fear’ in us, but when the fear comes we need to look for some lesson in the fearful situation. Someone has rightly said, “Whenever we feel fearful about something, it is an indication that our soul wants us to understand some things.”

Happy growing and evolving!

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