Friday, May 31, 2013


The CONTRAST in our life is present to help hone our CLARITY about what we really want; what truly inspires us, and what we'd rather not do/ have/ be..........Our varied life experiences offer us the clarity to find our true desires.........and once we place a sharp FOCUS on our desires, the energy begins to flow that way- making the desires manifest in our life!

Life is not about something that we are 'supposed to do', it is not about something that we 'should do'.........It is only about something that we are 'inspired to do'..........and our inspiration gains clarity only through our Contrast Experiences....:)

So, let us welcome all our experiences as vehicles for delivering a vast array of choices to us............and choose to focus only on those experiences which inspire us the order to CREATE a life of our dreams!!

And so it is!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Human Potential

Human potential is infinite and our utilization of it is directly proportionate to the level of our consciousness... As we raise our consciousness (become more conscious/ aware) we real-ize (make real) more of our potential......Easy!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013


We all know about ‘gut instinct’ but what is it, and where does it reside? Going by the name ‘Gut’ it must be residing in our gut- in our small and large intestine! 

This knowledge should make us give more thought (and respect) to our intestines. But the opposite is true in most cases! 

Most of us think of our guts as the place where our food is digested; and take these organs for-granted, expecting them to digest whatever we throw at (into) them. 

Perhaps, it is time to think again... and think fresh! 

The very phrase, ‘Gut Instinct’ tells us that our Gastro-Intestinal Tract is much more than merely a digestion center. In fact, it is quite literally our second brain and home to 2/3rd of our immune system. 

It is also interesting to note that approximately 100 trillion bacteria reside in our guts… (10 times the number of cells we have in our entire body)  and just like any other colony/ world, this gut-fauna is also divided into good bacteria and bad bacteria. 

Ideally (for good health and strong gut-instinct) the good bacteria should greatly outnumber the bad bacteria, but thanks to our 'modern' lifestyle, the opposite happens.
To find out which bacteria has a majority in our gut; we need to pay attention to our bodies (and listen to our gut-instinct). 

Abdominal Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, acid-reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, skin problems like eczema, restless sleep, migraine headaches, an inability to lose weight, and sugar cravings are sure signs (symptoms) of the bad bacteria ruling the roost in our guts! And when bad bacteria is in majority, our gut-instincts are in trouble! In other words, we are not in touch with our innate intelligence/ in-tuition. 

How do bad bacteria get to rule our guts? There are only possible two ways - either we are eating something that is making bad bacteria thrive or we are ingesting something that is killing the good bacteria! 

Processed foods, sugars, and refined carbohydrates make the bad bacteria thrive; while pasteurized milk, chemicals- pesticide laden foods (meats, fruits, vegetables, grains), chlorinated water, and antibiotics etc kill good bacteria.

How can we reverse this trend, restore the good bacteria and sharpen our gut instincts? The answer is simple. We need to stop feeding the bad bacteria and killing the good bacteria.

A few steps that can be taken (and I like to take) are:-

Eat organic foods (grow your own food), as much as possible

Eat fermented foods, such as yoghurt (lassi), idli, dhokla

Eat live foods, such as sprouts

Reduce intake of sugar, refined, processed, packaged foods

Drink freshly squeezed veg-fruit juices 

Send love and light to the good bacteria residing in the gut.

Friday, May 17, 2013


Deep Spring Center: Thought for Today

"Do not move into an oppositional stance against others, which simply invites more negativity. Only when there is non-attachment to view and an openness to hearing others, to hearing their pain, to hearing their confusion without judgment, without reacting to any feeling of threat from them, only then can you begin the work of healing in the world."

:))) This is Universe's personal message to me, as I tend to stick to my view-point.........Thank you. Thank you. Thank you..........

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

All is Appropriate

Nothing that anyone ever does is ‘inappropriate’ in the eyes of the Universe. The Universe acknowledges that every non-physical / physical energy has different desires and different standards- just a diverse bunch desiring different experiences! No one is holier or lesser than the other- just different, that’s all! 

Can we humans accept that? Can I accept that? 

Theoretically, yes…..Practically, not yet there………..but working on it in full sincerity!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

What's right with us?

I have realized that in our zeal to do good/ change systems/ lead better lives/ help others we tend to focus upon what is ‘wrong’ with us/ the systems/ people/ situations/ country/ world etc. Hence, even though we begin with noble intentions, we get mired in all the negativity, which sucks us in, making us offensive/ defensive/ loud/ righteous/ indignant/ and holier-than-thou! In other words, we become exactly what we wish to change in others!

And despite our good intentions end up creating nothing more than noise/ judgments/ criticism/ Them Vs Us paradigm! And needless to say, it doesn’t help anyone, including us.

On the other hand, if we look at each issue/ problem/ system/ person/ country/ world etc with a focus on “What’s right with it/ him/ her/them”, we shall find something that can be worked at/ worked with in order to create sustainable solutions.
This line of questioning will also put everything in right perspective for us, letting us decide whether something is worth working at or deserves to be released/ let go of/ destroyed/ re-constructed/ re-structured.

For example, in case of a personal turmoil- especially in marital arena- the partners can look at what is ‘right’ with their marriage/ partnership; alongside what is wrong with it- and then weigh the two lists. If the ‘right’ one has more weight in it; they should work at making the marriage tick once again; and on the other hand, if the ‘wrong’ list is longer, they should gracefully/ mutually let each other go! This makes life much simpler and more rewarding!

After all, every situation/ person/ thing/ institution has something that is right with it/ him/ her/ them…Let’s find that ‘right’, in order to make it ‘right-er’……:)

The Secret

The Secret of Happiness--------Don't do anything that doesn't make your heart sing...:)))

Is it possible to follow this- all the time- while living in our current reality? Perhaps not, but how about doing it as often as we can??

To begin with, make a list of what makes your heart sing......and take action.......

Or keep checking with your heart, every now and then, if it is singing....If you don't hear your song; stop doing whatever you are doing in that moment......Pause....Take three deep cleansing breaths.........and do something that will bring back the song.....Simple! and easy???

Here is my list:-

My heart sings when......
I am singing, dancing, swimming, gardening, being in nature, listening to devotional/ romantic songs, watching TED talks, writing, sharing, reading, speaking from my heart, cooking, cleaning, chatting with my husband/ my boys/ my daughter-in-law/ my sisters/ my mother/ my friends/ my extended family..............Phew, that's a lot of song for one heart....:))))))))

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Energy Spaces

My recent trip to Kerala re-confirmed the fact that closed/ contained/ air-conditioned spaces (cars, air-crafts, hotel rooms etc) drain/ sap my energy/ life-force/ vitality/ personal power; while nature (especially water bodies) rejuvenate me......

Back in Bangalore, my open house-space (the one I shall leave forever in 10 days time) feels so good and life-enhancing.........I feel like a free bird here....Thank you my dear abode....

Lessons from the Sea

Connecting with the sea at Alleppey brought out many interesting learnings. The pre-monsoon sea looked dark, threatening and uninviting. My husband explained that at this time of the year, the ocean currents bring out the dark sand from deep under, as the ocean activity increases there.....We also saw kids throwing all kind of stuff (empty plastic bottles, slippers etc) at the sea and the waves bringing all that back to the beach. It reminded me of people (especially in the movies) throwing dead bodies in various water-bodies, which are invariably thrown up by nature.......and I realized the same happening with us, humans as well.

When deep-churning happens inside us, we too bring out all the dark stuff from deep inside (including long buried dead-bodies). Nothing can remain buried anymore. During that phase we too look 'dark', threatening and uninviting. People close to us wonder why we need to rake up all the buried stuff; but we can't help doing that. Just as the sea can't help bringing up the dark sand. It is a natural phenomenon. When it happens with the sea we know that the monsoons are round the corner. When it happens with us, we know that the tears can't be contained anymore....

This is all a process of cleansing.....and we better enjoy it! The nature teaches us that once the monsoon is over, the sea will settle down, and look clean, beautiful and inviting.....Similarly, we become more accepting/ loving after deep cleansing. That is a given! All we need is patience!

What the world throws at us, cannot remain inside us; it is always thrown back by the strong waves of e-motion.....the energy in motion...The waves too are that; the energy in motion...How interesting!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Learning- Challenges

We are often told that there are no problems in our life; only opportunities we choose to call problems.....and when we think clearly with a calm mind, this does sound right; because in retrospect all problems do seem like great opportunities.

However, when we are in the midst of a problem, besieged with all the feelings/ emotions that have surfaced ( thanks to the problem), it is not very easy to call it an opportunity (even in-disguise). 

Some teachers ask us to keep repeating, 'it is okay. all is well', even when it doesn't seem okay or well at all (fake it till you make it philosophy). But I feel that this faking puts extra pressure on us and makes us suppress our authentic emotions. 

Whenever I am faced with some situation that seems like a problem and arouses my so-called negative emotions, I acknowledge those emotions and begin to observe them. Then I tell myself, "My soul created this situation to make me use all that I have learnt so far (time to walk my talk), and also to add to that learning through my personal experience (lived wisdom)." 

I prefer to call such situations learning-opportunities but advise my clients to choose any word that they are more comfortable with, such as contrast-situation/ challenge/ obstacle etc; because I have seen that the word 'problem' itself carries many unwanted connotations such as struggle, anxiety, panic, stress etc. (The very word pulls our energies down; so it is better to not use it.)  

The fact is that there isn't a single person on this planet, who doesn't face problems/ obstacles/ challenges/ contrast-situations/ learning-opportunities etc. etc. Such a life is not suitable for this planet, where we are training to strengthen our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. We learn, grow and evolve and practice our new found skills/ knowledge/ wisdom/ strengths/ empowerment/ enlightenment through such situations........and this carries on as long as we are in this body. 

We cannot wish away/ run from/ brush under the carpet/ hide/ cover such life-situations; we can only learn from them and GROW!

Life is a dynamic space so "stuff" will continue to happen, but when we are authentic ( which means that our thoughts/ words/ actions do not create resistance in us), our life begins to feel different, in a good way..........I should know; I have walked this path!

Then there is another pay-off; bonus so to say! Every contrast-situation/ challenge/ obstacle/ problem eventually inspires us to choose/ desire something different/ better; and intend/ aim for it. Thus we create a different/ better / more fulfilling life! 

And that's the GRACE/ the BLESSING!!


Our grief/ anger/ irritation/ rebellion stems from our society's insistence on 'conformity'.............and that is so ironic because EVERY ONE knows that each one of us is different/ unique/ special......:)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Watching my Emotions

Ever since I have started observing my emotions, one thing has become clear to me. My emotions arise in response to my vibrational frequency, which is created by my thoughts; but all this happens so quickly that I don’t usually separate one from the other. But the fact is that emotion doesn’t create my reality. That job is entrusted to my thoughts. My thoughts create my vibrational frequency; and this vibrational field (my personal offering to the universe) becomes my point of attraction. It attracts something of the similar vibrational match from the universe. My emotion at a given time is only a compass/ indicator/ guidance system to KNOW what is being attracted in that moment. So, if I am feeling high, I know that I am definitely attracting a high vibration stuff; and if I am feeling low, I become aware of attracting a low vibration stuff. My emotion just lets me know in advance about the kind of life that I have already created (even though it may not be in my awareness so far) through my vibrational field; which is created by my thoughts.

The other interesting thing is that it doesn’t matter whether I am actually experiencing something or just imagining it. If there is an accompanying emotion; it means that I have already created something. My emotion lets me know if I like what I have created or not.

Isn’t that interesting? I didn’t know that emotion-watching could be so rewarding…..:) Now, if I do not like what I have created, I can change my thought-vibration, even before the low vibration stuff has manifested in my life….I am loving this fun experiment…and you know what- I am on a high almost all the time!! Something sure is cooking…:))

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Believe in Enough

Some random thoughts from the archives...........:))

"The body, mind and soul are a trinity. This trinity has a free-will, and so does the divinity. The divinity overrules / vetoes the free-will of the trinity only in the larger interest of the whole, until then it lets the trinity play the drama. When the trinity has had enough of the play and desires to remember its pristine origins, the divinity honours that desire....and no desire is too big or too small for divinity. All desires of the trinity are fulfilled; but each trinity receives as it believes. Each one's faith is received....."

Isn't that interesting? The humanity's free-will can always be vetoed by the divinity (just as parents can veto a child's free-will); hence, the beautiful prayer..'THY WILL be done..' and EACH ONE RECEIVES as s/he BELIEVES........We receive abundance if we believe in abundance. We receive love if we believe in love. We receive peace if we believe in peace. We receive health if we believe in health.........and how much do we receive? As much as we believe we are worth........Wow! We receive according to our faith in ourselves!! Nothing more; nothing less!

So, what stops us from believing in love, peace, health and abundance??? What stops us from believing enough... in ENOUGH?

My power animal Owl

The owl brings me wisdom as well as great powers of perception and intuition. With her powers within me, I am able to develop keen hearing and vision; penetrating through the darkness with my intuitive senses. I can see through deception and illusion; uncovering mysteries and bringing truth to light.

The owl also allows me to move silently and unseen; especially when I do not want undue attention.

She also helps me penetrate my own secrets and see into the beauty of my own soul; uncovering my personal truths and intentions.

I gladly welcome the owl energies into my heart; filling myself up with her power. I feel her within me now, opening myself to myself; my true purpose sparkling like a treasure within.

Ah, what a blessing to be the owl!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Deep Spring Center- Thought for Today

"Your work is to know the relative being, respect the relative being, learn how the impulses arise in the relative being and to know that you do not need to be slave to those impulses. They arise and will pass away."

How beautiful this thought is! In this world of relativity, our work is to know the 'relative being' that you and I are in our current incarnation. This relative being has a relative point of view (depending upon what it relates to), but its challenge lies in knowing that all this relativity is temporary............while the eternal bliss is absolute!

...............and yet, it must respect/ love/ appreciate/ accept/ acknowledge its relative truth from moment to moment- at all times!

We cannot deny/ neglect/ brush under the carpet/ ignore/ bury/ suppress/ by pass our relative being!! That's who we are in this incarnation.......and we better like/ love/ accept/ respect/ appreciate ourselves..... Aum....♥