Sunday, April 14, 2013

Third-Eye Experiences

Why do we give more importance to our 'Third Eye' experiences over our 'two-eyes' experiences? Is it because those experiences make us feel special, 'holier-than- some others'? Is it an escape into the world we have all come from (home sickness)? Every one can have those experiences just as everyone can have open-eye experiences? It is just a matter of tuning into a certain frequency.....and watching a certain channel...:)

Earlier I used to feel in awe of such experiences and the ones who experienced them...Today, I feel in awe of (admire) those people who are fully grounded in their Earth experience........EXPRESSING their divinity through their humanity (and not through some lofty glimpses of the astral world) .......Such people (and there are far more than I can count) are my role models...♥

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