Sunday, March 9, 2014

Many Faces of Fear

When do we desire something? When we think that it is lacking in our life.....And every lack is accompanied by a fear.........Fear of never having it.

Most of the times, we DO NOT ALLOW ourselves to RECEIVE what we desire, because there is another kind of fear lurking underneath......that of leaving our comfort zone (however, constricting that might be)....How will my life change once I have what I desire? What will I need to give up to have what I desire? My conditioning says, I can't have my cake and eat it too; so which one would I not get to do- eat or have? THIS IS THE UNDERLYING HIDDEN FEAR.

The fear of upsetting the apple cart; the fear of leaving the comfort zone; the fear of the unknown.

This fear keeps us in chains, boundaries, boxes, social constructs. This fear doesn't let us embrace our power, our magnificence, our glory, our freedom, and our BLISS.

This is the fear which brings up a desire and yet, doesn't ALLOW its fulfillment.

It is time now to EXPOSE this fear, FACE it, and call its hoax. It is time now to EMBRACE our POWER in COMPASSION for SELF in all its hues..

When we are FEAR-LESS, we become DESIRE-LESS. No fear; no desire......This is the kind of desire-less-ness saints talk about.....It is not about suppressing our desires (that only complicates our lives further), it is about not having any desires... and that can organically happen when there is no FEAR in our psyche....for every desire originates in some fear.

And as long as there is a desire; there is a re-birth......Desirelessness is Nirvana/ Moksha. However, Nirvana can't be desired / achieved...IT simply HAPPENS when we achieve FREEDOM from FEARS.

Fears need to be exposed/ faced/ dealt with......and the first step is NAMING our FEARS. Making a list of our deep fears. Exposing them. Bringing them face to DEEP COMPASSION for SELF....and GRATITUDE for those FEARS; for all this while our fears have been protecting us from The Unknown.

NOW is the time to FACE the UNKNOWN. 

Where are our fears stored? In our Physical cells / tissues.

How do our fears get released? Through the Physical the form of illness/ dis-ease.

In view of the above is illness / disease good or bad? Desirable or undesirable? Should we try to get rid of the illness or the fears? Isn't it more desirable to offer gratefulness to the illness (and the body) and facilitate its cleansing (the release of fears) through tender loving care (TLC)?

I remember a time when every medical prescription ended with 'and TLC', this golden truth seems to have been all the players- the medicos, the patient (who is most impatient to get rid of the illness), and the caretakers (near and dear ones).....

It suddenly occurred to me that a person, who suffers from a dis-ease, is called a 'patient' for s/he needs a great amount of PATIENCE to be well again. Perhaps that is ALL that is needed....along with some TLC of course...:))))))))

There was a time when I shunned the popular media (both TV and newspaper) for the quality of news they hysterically promoted.

But now, I understand the role of popular media in BRINGING UP our SUPPRESSED / STORED fears from our cells/ tissues into our awareness. Media acts as the finger which presses the trigger, but the trigger/ button is inside us. If there is no fear inside, nothing will get triggered (we will either not be attracted to this media or find alternate / more personal catalysts).

In the New Energies, nothing (that is based in fear) can be hidden/ suppressed any more. It all has to be exposed to LIGHT/ LOVE.

Media is playing a very important role in helping us RELEASE our fears (and the release always happens through illness/ disease). Let us offer our gratitude to it.....
Unless our fears are released from our cells (our cells are cleansed), BLISS cannot find a space within us.

Dis-ease is just a word to collectively talk about the PAIN (absence of ease) of releasing our fears....which have been protecting us for so long that we do not wish to release them (irrespective of what we say outwardly...

Letting go of anything, including our fears, is usually a painful process.....hence, there is dis-ease! When we offer gratitude for this release, there is joy and ease. Hence, the wise saying, 'there may be pain but no suffering in that pain.'


  1. "It suddenly occurred to me that a person, who suffers from a dis-ease, is called a 'patient' for s/he needs a great amount of PATIENCE to be well again. Perhaps that is ALL that is needed....along with some TLC of course...:))))))))" What you are saying about TLC is so true. Today the medical practice has become so fraught with emotions and dissatisfaction because doctors do not have time to concentrate on TLC ( they are looking at chemicals, investigations and procedures to do the trick of healing) and consequently patients are not healing well and this is setting up a vicious cycle of further lack of TLC and dissatisfaction....

  2. You are a doctor. Be the change!!! <3
