Saturday, April 13, 2013

An Idle Mind

It is often said that an idle mind is a devil’s workshop. This saying came into being under the presumption that those who sit idly can imagine/ brood over non-existent problems or plot to do something evil and sinful. However, it is not necessarily true.

Plotting to do evil and thinking of imaginary problems are matters of attitudes; even so-called busy people can indulge in such pastimes.

To my understanding this saying was coined by those, with vested interest, who wanted to control people/ society, by discouraging them from thinking. A person with ‘free’ (idle) time has time to think, learn about, and debate all aspects of life, including religion and societal-inequalities. Questions arise in a mind that thinks freely ( a free-thinker). And such minds are not easy to control. Hence, people were increasingly encouraged to stop being ‘idle’.

And that’s how the culture of filling our non-working hours with mind-numbing leisure activities began!
If there is one word that small children of all cultures use most frequently, that word would be ‘why?’ Children continue to ask this question because they are curious and their imagination works overtime. This can happen only when our minds are idle.

But we have created our institutions (including families, schools, colleges, work-places etc) around not letting the mind remain idle. Even small children get so busy watching television and playing video-games that all their ‘whys’ remain limited to those activities. What a waste of human energy and its creative potential!

The fact is that our best creative ideas pop into our heads when we are not engaged in any mental activity, such as while sitting idly, walking, lazing around, bathing etc.

If you wish to let your creative juices flow, you need to increase your idle time!!! Any takers?

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