Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mother Nature

"Life on Planet Earth is always in a flux. Varieties of species come and go according to the particular need of the energy that they create. One of the tasks of Gaia (consciousness of Planet Earth/ Mother Nature) is to create and eliminate species. When a species (plant or animal) is no longer needed for the purpose of Gaia’s development, it ceases to exist and dies out. If new life is necessary, if new concepts of life are needed, Gaia co-operates in their creation. This process is closely linked and coordinated with changing weather on the planet. Long-term studies of the environment point out to actual creation and destruction of species. It is an ongoing process.  

However, some humans don’t understand this and want to save all the species that exist now. In their linear mind, all the species should remain and exist, just because they are here at this time. The Gaia, however, continues to eliminate some, cull some out, and bring in some new ones according to its own energy requirements . It is a natural and appropriate evolutionary process."..............Kryon

These words of Kryon completely resonate with me. I believe that there is a natural order in this universe and everything happens (is happening) according to a larger game plan that we are not consciously privy to.....and yet, we fall prey to doubts, fears, worries, righteous indignation, missionary zeal, I-shall-save-you mode.....:))) We are all defaulters on this front (me included) in one way or another. I guess, that's what makes us human........our ego-personalities don't become sublime so easily!!

In the end, I am always compelled to return to my regular mantra, "It is okay to have doubts. It is okay to be fearful. It is okay to worry. It is okay to feel righteous indignation. It is okay to nurture a missionary zeal. It is okay to behave as savior. It is okay to default. It is okay to be human. It is okay to have an ego-personality. It is okay to be who I am being in this present moment. However, from now onward I choose to be more trusting- in faith, surrender and remembrance- ALL IS WELL. The Spirit is in-charge here. And so it is."

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