While walking the path of ‘awakening’, many people feel alone, unsupported, and misunderstood. They become very aware of other people’s state of ‘sleepiness’, since they can’t connect with them. (How can an awake person connect with a sleeping person? For the connection to happen, the one sleeping has to awaken too!!)
Now the question arises, should the awake one try to wake up the one sleeping? I, for one, don’t believe in this. Even in the physical realm, I don’t like to wake a sleeping person up, unless s/he asks me to do it. (this was not the case even a couple of years ago…J)
Awake people know that there is more to life and living than what one is aware of with our physical senses. Most of them are highly intuitive, empathetic, and sensitive; which is both a blessing and a challenge. It is a blessing because they perceive the world in a much more profound, enlightened and spirit-filled way. And it is a challenge, because they are also aware of how many people in their world are sleepy, unaware and not aware that they are unaware. They begin to feel that they should do something about waking people up, in order to make a difference in the world. So, some of them become like blaring alarm clocks while some others act like snooze buttons. Some wait for the others to wake up before deciding to do anything with their time (the whole household must awaken before anything can be done). Some keep lamenting about the world that needs to awaken but is not open to it.
But what happens when you wake sleeping people? They may not get up despite your nudging/ shaking/ shouting/ grumbling/ cajoling/ requesting/ giving reasons etc; making you feel judgmental, critical and frustrated in the bargain- and spoiling your relationship for good. They may get up and start grumbling. They may shout back at you for disturbing them and not letting them sleep in peace. Some may thank you but become too dependent upon you for waking them up, every time they fall asleep; and may blame you if you can’t/ won’t do it.
And what happens when you let them sleep? They may miss their appointments/ or other benefits of waking up.
BUT have you ever met anyone who continues to sleep forever? Every one eventually awakens. Yes, they may miss their appointments, and sometimes may blame you for not waking them up, but in their heart of hearts, they know that they alone are responsible for waking up and may act more responsibly in future. They may feel very happy, refreshed and charged after sleeping well, and may do something very creative / productive upon awakening. They may thank you for letting them sleep extra.
The best thing is that you will definitely feel more calm, peaceful and carefree (I experience it when I allow people to decide when they wish to wake up.)
The question is – who decides when it is time for someone to wake up? What about letting people sleep until they are ready to wake up by themselves? Why must we worry about them missing the bus?
The answer is very simple. Those who awaken before others do, must get the bed-tea ready, with the biscuits on the side!! Yes, that is the challenge before us. The awakened ones must make some difference in a world that needs to ‘see’ and NOT ‘hear’ a new path (new way of living) before it is willing to consider it as an option to the existing paths.
People wake up (awaken) when they are ready, and not before that. BEING the difference we want to see in the world is the only tool that will wake the world up to its own potential.
In order to BE THE DIFFERENCE, we have to SHOW the world the possibilities that are available. We can do this not by telling them that they are asleep but by showing them what can be achieved when you wake up! For that we need to use our ability, our mindset, our gifts, and our understandings to make our world more joyful and fulfilling. Only our fun/ joy/ fulfillment can make others CHOOSE to wake up!
The choice, as always, lies with each individual! And so it is!
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