Friday, April 26, 2013


I have always been against sexual innuendos in social conversation, liberal use of swear-words that casually speak about raping your mother/ sister, lewd/ clinical comments on female figures, taking liberties with / making fun of the opposite sex etc. etc. etc. (it is a long list); but of late, I have observed my impatience with this casual / insensitive approach growing by the day. I have also become more forceful in expressing my objection/ displeasure/ disgust etc.

Since observing my thoughts and emotions is my favorite pastime, I catch the  rise/ flow/ ebb of my emotional tides very well; but somehow I couldn't exactly put a finger on this particular 'sore point'. Hence, I attributed my militant reaction to the very air around me, where 'rape' has become a household word (holding the entire population to ransom).

But last night (and this afternoon) after listening to Lord Maitreya's message (delivered through Ellaeenah Niloufer) I was jolted out of my reverie! (If you haven't heard it, please do at

I realized that NOW is the time to bring out that much maligned/ suppressed/ vilified/ revered / taboo/ curiosity arousing word SEX, out of the closet, and discuss its energy openly on social forums (and not behind closed doors).

In a country that gave birth to Kamasutra (the art and science of love-making), where explicit sexual images adorn our temple walls, where men and women of all ages lovingly pray to the phallus and the vagina (Shiva Linga and the Yoni), where giving birth to a child is the most important function of a married couple, it is a shame that when a small child innocently plays with his so-called 'private' parts (as though the other body parts are public parts), s/he is put to such shame that the poor thing wonders what crime s/he has committed......and in that moment a seed is sown which grows and creates all our woes regarding sex!
How many of us can truly say that I am not carrying any beliefs in my mind/ heart about sex being dirty/ sinful/ something that shouldn't be spoken about? How many of us can truly say that our sex lives are fulfilling not only our physical but also our psychological and spiritual needs? As Lord Maitreya forcefully conveyed, "If you have a joyful/ blissful sex life, you don't need to either meditate or use any other healing tool."
The point is that my 'activist' reaction to the use (misuse) of this sacred energy speaks of my own suppressed/ repressed energy.....and that is the Last Bastion of various energy blocks....Unless this energy is healed/ assimilated / worked with/ given its due place of sanctity, further evolution cannot happen (this is a major road-block and the one I was not really looking at).........

One simple solution (also re-enforced by Lord Maitreya) is FORGIVENESS of all concerned, including (and most importantly) ourselves.

Now that this point has been brought home to me o forcefully (and timely), this particular energy will be the focus of my prayers..........Om Namah Shivay......


  1. dear mrs jha ... was trying to access your blogs. successful today.. enjoyed reading this piece... i have enjoyed khushwant singh's writings and always felt that he used sex to titillate and get the attention of readers and bring the same to more important/profound matters. i have never associated shame with sex and never disapproved of pleasure- intrinsically. I knew my child masturbated as even a very young child and was never alarmed or ashamed or disapproving of it. Your words:'How many of us can truly say that I am not carrying any beliefs in my mind/ heart about sex being dirty/ sinful/ something that shouldn't be spoken about?' are so true for many of us and is so stifling.
