"Each one of us is born with a sacred contract to learn to use our personal power responsibly, wisely and lovingly"........Carolyn Myss
But before we learn to USE our Personal Power, we need to become aware of our personal power and acknowledge it. We also need to take it back from those (parents, spouse, children, teachers, institutions, society, leaders, businesses, gurus, friends etc) who we have handed it over to.
How do we determine if we have handed over our personal power? and to whom?
There is a very simple test. Think of all that you are afraid of, people you are fearful of, and whatever/ whoever stops you from following your heart.........those are the ones you have handed over your personal power to!!!!
When I take this test, I realize that my power has been scattered in many directions......and while de-centralization of power works well within a democracy (with the best interest of people at heart), our Personal Power must remain centered within us.
However, my personal experience has also taught me that once I begin to use my personal power (whatever little remains within me) responsibly, wisely and lovingly, more and more gets added to it.
Yes, just as my fears made me give my power away, without my conscious realization or consent; responsible, wise and loving use of my power makes me take it back from the world, without any conscious effort, and without their consent!
When I look at my fears, face to face, asking myself, 'What is the max that will happen if I refuse to give my power away, if I stay firm on my ground, if I simply follow my heart, if I remain true to myself, if I refuse to follow the herd, if I trust everyone, if I accept everything as it is, if I bare my vulnerability'; well, NOTHING happens!!!
Yes, that is the anti-climax. When we are ready for the worst, the worst can't face us..............That is when everything becomes effortless........and beautiful!!! Only because we begin to SEE beauty in everything!! and as they say, 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever.'
That is the by-product of using our Personal Power responsibly, wisely and lovingly in all areas of our life.
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