In the past, we have shown others their areas of pain -as they have shown us ours- by mirroring each other’s pain in an attempt to discover our emotional wounds and blocks; but this ‘mirroring’ kept us all in ‘healing cycles’. Whenever one cycle was healed, another showed up; until we became sick and tired of healing. Then we reached a point, where we only wanted to move out of the cycle/ the loop. And the moment we expressed this desire, we were OUT. Suddenly we moved into a healed, evolved and whole living; with no one mirroring anything but love! From being a channel of healing, we became an example of ‘healed’ and ‘whole’ living.
As a channel of healing, we mirrored others pain -often by taking it upon ourselves. We tried to do the healing work for others, standing between them and their God; creating co-dependent relationships, where people looked up to us for healing and we believed that we can do this for them. But eventually we realized that willy-nilly we were preventing them from finding their true healing source, which is within them.
We also created ‘guilt-fear traps’ when others didn’t heal, making us think that we didn’t do our job well. Sometimes we attracted anger and frustration from others because we didn’t heal them.
But then we understood that healing others is an impossible task and we cannot do it. Only the one who suffers can heal him/her-self. It is between them and their God.
Now that we have become an example of healing, we can show others what can be achieved by doing our own healing work. Our joy-filled, happy lives show them how to live a healed and whole life.
As we own our healing, we become our own role-models. And from that space, we become better teachers, who walk their talk and talk their walk.
In this new paradigm of healing, we share/ mirror our joy, instead of sharing/ mirroring our pain.
beautiful, Mrs Jha...