Monday, March 11, 2013

Body, Soul, Spirit- part 2

Continuing with our computer analogy..........

If too many windows are opened at the same time (we multitask), if some heavy files are being downloaded/ uploaded (too much brain activity), if computer is not updated with new software (new soul lessons are not learnt) or hardware is not upgraded (body is not taken care of,or new neural circuits are not formed), our computer slows down/ crashes/ or hangs up (the body falls sick/ we become tense, angry, worried etc- in other words inefficiency sets in/ or death occurs).

New children (new generation gadgets) are more efficient, have more battery life (need less plug in/sleep), are differently configured with newer software and better hardware (have upgraded physiology/ larger brains/ more soul memory; and carry more light/ spirit-spark). 

A lot of the new generation software cannot be run on older generation hardware (no wonder we oldies don't always understand newbies/ generation gap/ inability to process new information/ incompatibility) unless the old hardware is continuously upgraded, but even that has a limitation. 

Finally, the old hardware needs to be discarded (even though we may get attached to it) and newer one brought in (that's death and re-birth). We usually transfer/ feed our old data/ work (soul) into the new machine (body). The new child (hardware) carries the entire/ relevant data-base of the previous machine (after sorting out and discarding all that is not needed anymore). 

Soul is immortal (software doesn't crash or die), Spirit is eternal (the power supply is inexhaustible, and newer ways of harnessing it are being discovered every day). 

We keep remembering our older gadgets (the ones that have died) for a short while or in nostalgia; but we invariably love the newer, more efficient gadgets (the new  children). It is not often that we remember that our new hardware still contains some part of the old gadget, in the form of data (memories/ understandings etc), it runs on the same power source (spirit spark), logs into the same Internet (collective consciousness), which has been continually growing/ being enriched. Similarly, we don't always remember that new children carry parts (memories) of old people (our ancestors), whose bodies we have disposed of. 

How interesting!!!! and thought provoking!!!

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