Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ego, Soul, Spirit Et Al

Coming back to our computer analogy.............:)

Suppose there are 5 members in your family (or more or less), and each one uses their own computer; all computers draw electricity/ power from the same source (even if the sockets are different) and same software has been loaded into all, all have access to Internet .....Easy to imagine this, as it is a common scenario in most homes........Now, if an observer were to look into all the computers and check the folders/ files/ content/ sites accessed/ facebook friends/ likes/ comments etc...there might be some similarity but definitely some variation/ or a lot of similarity/ or a lot of variation whatever.....The fact is that despite drawing from the same power Source, having same basic software, same Internet access; all the computers would display DIFFERENT content; beginning with the wallpaper itself.....Are we in agreement so far?

Now look at these 5 family members (or more or less); all have same human body (-which may outwardly look different but we can find some common features- however the basic anatomy and physiology remains the same), carry the same basic soul format (which contains all emotions stored as positive and negative charge) are connected to the same Source/ God/ Spirit/ Paramatma (Ek noor se sab jag upja; ke change ke mande), have access to the same collective consciousness for thoughts/ ideas/ intuition etc. and yet, each individual is unique.......What makes us unique? OUR EGO PERSONALITY + OUR SOUL/ cellular MEMORIES (collected experiential data stored as positive/ negative charge within our cells). Any questions? Doubts? 

By the way, you will also notice that all computers are password protected (lest others come to know the real you)........Similarly, all humans wear MASKS let others discover the real you!!! Our Masks protect our vulnerability!! 

Suppose we had nothing to hide/ fear.....Then we would either not have passwords or share them with people we trust; provided they ask for it.....

However, you would be surprised that not many loved ones would be interested in your password or knowing the real you.......because they either don't care about your stuff/ don't have time or inclination to know the real you/ are uncomfortable with your honesty- lest you demand reciprocity/ prefer your masks because reality might upset their apple-cart/ would like to keep their own masks on/ want to protect their own secrets/ are fearful of revealing their true self.......

But the best part is that the more FREE/ Bindaas you become about letting whoever see you the way you are; the others start becoming FREE in your presence. When you stop judging yourself; they stop judging you/ themselves. When you let your masks slip; their masks come off sooner or later. When you don't need to protect your vulnerability; they also reveal their vulnerable side. 

Eventually relationships become authentic; based in love, trust and respect for each person's unique EGO PERSONALITY + SOUL MEMORIES. 

Life becomes much simpler, joyful, love-ful,  full-ful and FREE.........:)) Ah, freedom; you don't know its sweetness, until you live it!!!

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